Starting his working life as an apprentice boilermaker, Phil was fortunate to be given an opportunity in the drawing office at age 19. Night school, mentorships and lots of experience have added to Phils expertise but he still values having that trade and the practical essence it gives his designs.
Swapping over to being an office manager and accountant (after having a career as a paediatric nurse) was a challenging assignment for Dawn, but these days she runs things like a well oiled machine.
The information age has given clients new expectations on how design information is relayed. Liam has developed his own industry leading tools that allow clients to view and communicate their design in new, strikingly impressive ways and at phenomenal speed, making this traditionally expensive media affordable.
Currently studying a bachelor degree of finance and accounting at the university of Adelaide. Cael helps with drafting, MYOB, Excel spread sheets and general tasks regarding the productivity of the company.