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Every Schutz Industries hay plant includes the following features...

  • BLENDING - All Schutz Industries hay plants feature an infeed that allows blending of different grades.  Even a base model line will always include a Teaser Bed, Teaser Head, Conveyor and Baler  Click this link to see how blending pays for itself...
  • INDUSTRY LEADING BALE AND PACK PRESENTATION - Schutz Industries presses have enough thrust to yield the product (not just push it up to size).  This manifests itself in industry leading bale and pack presentation.  Overseas fodder buyers notice the difference that a Schutz Industries Press and Multibale is plain to see in the warehouse when you have Multibale packs next to other packs.  See the Multibale video by clicking here.
  • ROBUST CONSTRUCTION - Schutz Industries plants are deliberately designed to last for 20 years.  They are unashamedly big and heavy.  Big so that you can clean under them and inspect moving assemblies easily...Heavy so it can absorb the fatigue loads that lead to cracking and premature failure - a typical Schutz Ind. Press has 60mm side walls and 150mm end plates. See the robust frame demonstrated on our Baler video!
  • RENEWABLE - DESIGNED FOR EASY MAINTENANCE  The entire hay path of every Schutz Industries line is FULLY LINED with a combination of industrial plastics (to reduce sugar gum residue problems) and abrasion resistant steels.  This allows you to renew your plant to it's original design clearances as part of a normal maintenance cycle.  That's keeps the plant running efficiently and ensures the quality of the output bales. 
  • LOCALLY SOURCED OEM COMPONENTS  - We know lead times are important to maintenance  departments so...
                            -   Most components that are purchased are stocked within Australia !!
                            -   All Hydraulic Cylinders are made in Australia by Nordon
                            -   Cylinder seals and wearing items are all stocked in Australia
                            -  All motors are SEW brand and available from their store in Melbourne
                                (even the large Baler Gearbox has a proven 3 day lead time)
  • SERVICEABILITY - The ability to independantly service your own machinery is important
    In Australia most maintenance departments have service agreements in place with local firms.             o  Many have buying agreements with local agencies.

    With every Schutz Industries Line we provide;
                          o Full hydraulic schematics diagrams
                          o Electrical Diagrams - signed off to comply with Australian OH&S laws 
                          o PLC Ladder logic
  • COMPLIANCE TO LOCAL LAWS AND STANDARDS  - In Australia, OH&S law compliance is complex and the  penalties for non compliance are significant.  They are actually CRIMINAL CHARGES charges and they are levelled against individuals.   
                          YOU CAN NOT INSURE AGAINST THEM !! 
    The industry standard (as discussed at recent AFIA conferences) is Category 4 for many areas of a hay plant Schutz Industries and our build partners Torque Industries  will not hand over control until the compliant safety system  is in place.
                           We help you make it compliant. 

50kg Base Model

A Blending Plant that has been configured to compete with our overseas rivals - typically standard features have been offered as options to allow a true apple for apples comparison.
10 T/Hour production rate incl. maint. 14T/hour sprint speed.
Bales are sized to fit in Hi-cube or GP containers at 26.4 Tonne 

Equipment List

Teaser Bed - 6 Bale 
Teaser Head - 4 Rotor
Teaser Hood
Baler Infeed Conveyor
Rotary Feeder
Baler - Industrial Bottom Centre Feed
Press Infeed System
Mainline Strapping System
(Strapping Heads not included)
Transfer Conveyor
Reject System
Exit Ramp
Hydraulic Package
Electrical Integration Package  


Safety Package
Strapping Heads
Strap Handling System
Ink Jet Printer
Dust Extraction System.


Mixing Auger Cross Feed
De-contamination System
Offal Return System
Metal Detector & Conveyor
Vertical Pack Strapping
Exit Weigh System
Exit Stretch Wrap System
Dual Teaser  - back to back
12m Long Teaser Bed
20m Long Teaser Bed


In Australia, by law we cannot manufacture machinery without a safety system that complies with our OH&S laws  - if you import a machine then the onus for compliance is on you, as the end user.  In our experience overseas plants do not comply as sold!!
The Safety System is quoted as an extra on Schutz Ind. plants to allow you to see the cost and properly compare it to our rivals.
Click this link to see how non-compliance can be costly for individual decision makers.

50kg Multibale Model

A Blending Plant with Multibale Unit optioned up to suit a business that needs to provide maximum packing versatility and premium presentation in the marketplace.
10 T/Hour production rate incl. maint.  14T/hour sprint speed.
Bales are sized to fit in Hi-cube or GP containers at 26.4 Tonne 

Equipment List

Teaser Bed - 6 Bale 
Teaser Head - 4 Rotor
Teaser Hood
Auger Mixing Cross Conveyor
De-contamination System
Rotary Feeder
Baler - Industrial Bottom Feed
Press Infeed System
Mainline Strapping System
(Strapping Heads not included)
Multibale System 
Exit Weigh System
Hydraulic Package
Electrical Integration Package  


Safety Package
Strapping Heads
Strap Handling System
Ink Jet Printer
Dust Extraction System.


Offal Return System
Exit Stretch Wrap System
Exit Accumulation System
Metal Detect & Reject 
Exit Stretch Wrap System
Dual Teaser - back to back
12m Long Teaser Bed
20m Long Teaser Bed
Sleeve capable Multibale

Video Overview

Click this link to see a video animation of a typically configured 50kg Multibale Line.

Click here to see a video of the Schutz Industries Multi-bale system. 


100kg Base Model

A 100kg Blending Plant that has also been configured to compete with our overseas rivals - typically standard features have been offered as options to allow a true apple for apples comparison.
15 T/Hour production rate incl maint.   22T/Hour Sprint Rate
Bales are sized to fit in Hi-cube or GP containers at 26.4 Tonne 

Equipment List

Teaser Beds - 6 Bales
Teaser Head - 4 Rotor
Teaser Hood
Baler Infeed Conveyor
Rotary Feeder
Baler - Industrial Bottom Feed
Press Infeed System
Mainline Strapping System
(Strapping Heads not included)
Multibale System
Exit Weigh System
Hydraulic Package - Std  
Electrical Integration Package  


Safety Package
Strapping Heads
Strap Handling System
Ink Jet Printer
Dust Extraction System.


Mixing Auger Cross Feed
De-contamination System
Offal Return System
Metal Detect & Reject inline
Exit Stretch Wrap System
Dual Teaser - back to back
12m Long Teaser Bed
20m Long Teaser Bed
Sleeve capable Multibale
Exit Pack Accumulator

Video Overview

Click this link to see a video of both a Base Model and also a High Performance Model.


100kg High Production Model

A 100kg Blending Plant optioned up to suit a business that needs reliable high production output while maintaining maximum packing versatility and premium presentation in the marketplace..
Proven 24 T/Hour production rate incl maint. 27 T/Hour Sprint Rate
Bales are sized to fit in Hi-cube or GP containers at 26.4 Tonne 

Equipment List

Teaser Beds - 2 x 6 Bales
Teaser Head - 2 x 4 Rotor
Teaser Hood
Mixing Auger Cross Feed
Baler Infeed Conveyor
Rotary Feeder
Baler - Industrial Bottom Centre Feed
Press Infeed System
Mainline Strapping System
(Strapping Heads not included)
Multibale System
Exit Weigh
Hydraulic Package - Perf. 
Electrical Integration Package  


Safety Package
Strapping Heads
Strap Handling System
Ink Jet Printer
Dust Extraction System.


De-contamination System
Offal Return System
Metal Detect and Reject inline
Exit Stretch Wrap System
12m Long Teaser Bed
20m Long Teaser Bed
Sleeve capable Multibale
Exit Pack Accumulator

Video Overview

Click this link to see a video of both a Base Model and also a High Performance Model.

Click here to see a video of the Schutz Industries Multi-bale system.

  • Given that blending pays for itself
  • Given that the Schutz Industries Multi-bale system yields pack presentation that seperates you in the market.
  • Given that the best blending system on the market is made by a local Australian company providing much needed jobs and experience in our local manufacturing industry.  
  • Given that our machinery is designed for Australian Oaten Hay
  • Given that we work with our clients in an effort to make our machinery easy to maintain 
  • Given that help you to make your plant comply with safety  regulations. 
  • We ask that you consider Schutz Industries machinery for your plant.



Phone: +61 (08) 8280 0035     
Mob:                0408 833 462



One Tree Hill, South Australia 
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